
For the most part, I am a normal Gen-Y’er from the British West Country. I live in San Francisco and work for a tech firm. I go to dinner parties, I play board games and I drink too much red wine.

Told you I was normal.

But there is something a bit odd about me. Overwhelmed by my own mortality (aren’t we all?), and the implication this has on how much I am able to experience, FOMO plagues my every waking hour. As a result of this bittersweet affliction, my life has been a series of experiments – am I a goth? am I a hippy? am I a bespoke-suited capitalist? – flirting with multiple subcultures in a desperate attempt to find my people, my tribe.

As each new group of people I meet teach me something new – about myself, about the world, about the human condition – I realise that the quest has no end, that it’s a lifetime vocation, that I can never go ‘home’. I will continue to write, work, play, drink, and collect my way around the world for as long as the world will let me. The next adventure is always just around the corner.